The Application Process
Our goal is to make this process simple and predictable for you -- here is what you can expect!
1. Step One
Meet Our Qualifications
501(c)(3) Organization
5 years of operations
Located in and mainly serving Fort Wayne and Allen County, Indiana
Services provided regardless of race, ethnicity, religious beliefs, sexual preference and/or gender identity.
2. Submit a Concept Letter
Submit a ONE or TWO page concept letter for the intended project or program in PDF form through the concept letter page. Confirmation of receipt will be emailed as soon as possible. Additionally, upload proof of 501(c)(3) status.
3. Review
The Doermer Family Foundation team will review your concept letter and get back to you quickly about whether the concept letter was approved for a full application.
4. Full Application
Following the instructions and utilizing the form on the Full Application page, applicant will submit a full proposal for funding, including requested attachments. Receipt of application will be confirmed via email.
5. Review and Decision
The Doermer Family Foundation team will meet and review all applications submitted during their next business meeting. Decisions will be made and funding outcomes communicated immediately following the meeting.
6. Funds Released
Funds will be released as agreed upon in Grant Agreement.